Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 64 - 70

And thus concludes this 10-week series, created on January 1 as a New Year's resolution. The initial idea was to walk a couple of miles each day for 70 days and take a picture along the way. While I entertained an expectation that the walks would lead to some weight loss, the main impetus was to get out of the apartment and have something of an adventure, not necessarily dramatic, every day of the week.

I had no idea on January 1, of course, that the winter weather in New York this season would turn out so cold and snowy, with the snowiest January on record. When we weren't having a blizzard, we often had cold winds. Conditions often made it hard to motivate myself to get out and walk. Sometimes, I would walk in circles close to my neighborhood so I could get back inside quickly. On several days in the worst weather, I fell short of the 2.5 mile goal. I sometimes felt defeated.

March 5, 2011 The Alamo
Day 64  The Alamo, San Antonio, Texas  (March 5, 2011)

It was fun for me to walk at least a few days in my home state of Texas. Warm weather with sunny skies and temperatures in the 80s didn't hurt. I felt I needed to mix up pictures of Washington Square Park, a place near my current residence, with at least one of the Alamo and one of the River Walk.

March 6, 2011 River Walk, San Antonio
Day 65 River Walk, San Antonio, Texas (March 6, 2011)

If I had to do it again, I would pick the 10 weeks starting this week with spring on the horizon. Yet, walking in Spring is almost too easy. I probably avoided the winter blues in January and February by forcing myself to get out and walk. After the first bone-chilling mile, the body warms up to it.

March 7, 2011 Evening, Houston Street
Day 66 Houston Street, New York (March 7, 2011)

A walking program is much easier with a dog. In New York, big dogs need to get outside for obvious reasons but also for exercise. My dog worked as my personal trainer, insisting we go outside. I also called her my "photo assistant."

March 8, 2011 Water Tower, SoHo
Day 67 Water Tower, SoHo (March 8, 2011)

I didn't lose that much weight, a disappointment. The sorry truth is that walking at a normal pace doesn't burn that many calories. I tend to eat a little too much when it's cold outside. But I do feel healthier after these daily walks. In fact, walking in New York every day makes me long for more extreme physical adventures, like hiking the length of Broadway.

March 9, 2011 Minetta Triangle, Greenwich Village
Day 68 Minetta Triangle, Greenwich Village (March 9, 2011). This is the park where I look
for the first signs of spring. I think it's connected with the stream that once ran through here.

Taking the photos was the fun part. Imagine taking a picture every day of your life. At any rate, the pictures remind me of places I enjoyed at the time.

March 10, 2011 rain, Washington Square Park
Day 69 Rainy Day, Washington Square Park (March 10, 2011)

I decided for the last day to find the spot of my first picture from January 1. On Friday I walked over to the Tribeca section of Hudson River Park and located the approximate location. It felt like a long time since that blue-tinted winter day of January 1. I was happy to be done with the project, but I wanted to keep walking.

March 11, 2011 Hudson River Park
Day 70 Hudson River Park, near Canal Street (March 11, 2011)

Images by Walking Off the Big Apple.

Posts in this series:

A Winter Walk in Hudson River Park, with a Plan for New Year's Diet and Exercise Resolutions (posted January 2, 2011)
• Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 1-7 (posted January 8, 2011)
• Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 8-14 (posted January 15, 2011)
• Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 15-21 (posted January 22, 2011)
• Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 22-28 (posted January 29, 2011)
• Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 29-35 (posted February 5, 2011)
• Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 36-42 (posted February 12, 2011)
• Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 43-49 (posted February 19, 2011)
• Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 50-56 (posted February 26, 2011)
• Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 57-63 (posted March 6, 2011)
Pictures from 70 Days of Walks: Days 64-70 (posted March 12, 2011)


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