On This Timeless New York City Day of January 25 and a Snowy Past

For today's entry of New York City pictures I snapped on this date in past years, I discovered some of my favorite images. A timeless city, frozen in snow. Pictures that could serve as time portals. Ethereal beauty, some too poignant for words. Nature and the built landscape without people. One, a drawing of bus passengers during the Covid pandemic. The last, a Red-bellied Woodpecker who is likely to outlast us.

Washington Square in snowstorm. January 25, 2013

McSorley's in snow. January 25, 2013

Paley Park. January 25, 2015

Fort Tryon Park. January 25, 2016

interior, Met Cloisters. January 25, 2016

Fort Tryon Park Cottage. January 25, 2019

Sketch of bus passengers on Bx7 bus during Covid epidemic. January 25, 2022 

Red-bellied Woodpecker in Inwood Hill Park. January 25, 2024

Photos by Teri Tynes from the archives.


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