
Showing posts with the label Beaux-Arts

For Bastille Day, a French-Themed Walk

Bye Bye Penn Station: Mad Men Takes on an Epic Battle

Some Serious Wi-Fi: The Edna Barnes Salomon Room at the New York Public Library

A Visit to Audubon Terrace and Environs

French Lessons: Visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art's New American Wing, and Paris Photographs from the Second Empire

A Stroll Through the East 60s

"You Got the Wrong Broadway, Mister:" Exploring the Other Broadways, East and West

A Walk From Lincoln Center to Zabar's

Visiting New York on a Monday

New York 1900: Edith Wharton and The House of Mirth, A Walk and a Map

Homage to Pâte à Choux: French Pastry South of 14th Street

The Making of the Monumental Metropolis: New York and the École des Beaux Arts

Charles Hemstreet's Nooks and Corners of Old New York: Lessons in Mortality

10 Fascinating Buildings in Manhattan

Walking Off the Lower East Side: Further Explorations of the lower Lower East Side