The birds of Inwood and Northern Manhattan

The birds of Inwood and Northern Manhattan
Visit Teri's birding blog


Fellow Citizens!

Whereas I have liberated myself of 18.5 pounds over the last 10 weeks as of this very day, and whereas I continue to lose weight at a steady pace, I heretofore announceth my overall diet and exercise tippes for the continued pursuit of happiness.

I can't lose weight for ye, if that is something ye wish, so I shall speaketh for myself.

  • WALK. I have taken a brisk walk most every day for at least 30 minutes without interruption.
  • HEALTHY DIET. Instead of a fad diet, I decided to make diet changes for the long run.
  • STRENGTH. Needing to firm up and build muscle, as I am not 18. 5 years of age, I engage in some form of strength exercises several times a week.
  • COUNT CALORIES. I try to consume around 1500 calories a day, no more and no less, and when I blow it, I take an extra walk.
  • VACUUM. Vigorous vacuuming provides an additional effective calorie burn.
  • JOURNAL. I maintain an elaborate, pumped up illustrated diet and exercise journal. You are reading it.

I do hereby authorize, enjoin and require all readers to payeth attention to these pronouncements and to all subsequent decrees.


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