The May Day March Down Broadway: A Slideshow

Broadway, the thoroughfare that many people associate with the theater, is in fact more like a great long river that runs the length of Manhattan. It streams all the way downtown past the city's oldest inhabited areas, running past City Hall and the Woolworth Building and the intersection with Wall Street and Trinity Church. Broadway eventually spills out at Bowling Green near the Battery. Just beyond is New York Harbor and the promise of freedom symbolized by the Statue of Liberty.

On May 1, 2012, International Workers Day, tens of thousands of New Yorkers spilled out onto Broadway in a solidarity march. It was difficult to not get caught up in this stream of humanity. These pictures show the people near the end of the march, just one part of the river, walking down the blocks on Broadway near Houston Street. The last marchers carried a traditional maypole down Broadway. At top of the pole, a sign read, "All of Our Grievances Are Connected."

Images by Walking Off the Big Apple.


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