Finally, the Look of Springtime in New York

Over the past week, many of the flowering trees in New York have started to announce themselves, and rather than setting out on a fixed path, I've let the sight of trees pull me in their direction. Around the neighborhood in Greenwich Village and south into SoHo, the streets flow under graceful canopies, many of which are furnished by callery pears. In Central Park, especially deep into the Ramble, young green leaves of many trees catch the light, setting off a fine contrast with the pink Saucer Magnolias and Yoshino Cherry trees. In winter, when the trees are dormant, we hardly notice their existence. But when they wake up, it's difficult not to stare.

April in New York
Spring and Thompson Streets, SoHo/South Village

April in New York
West Village

April in New York
Washington Square Park. For those following (or flat-out addicted) via the NYT City Room webcam the story of two red-tailed hawks, Violet and Bobby, as they tend to their nest of three eggs, please note that the nest is up there at the top of the rust-colored NYU Bobst Library. The nest is on the sunny side facing the park, second window alcove from the right. 

April in New York
Central Park, The Ramble

April in New York
Central Park, The Lake

April in New York
Central Park, Bethesda Terrace 

April in New York
W. 69th Street, Upper West Side

April in New York
W. 4th Street, NYU Stern Plaza, Greenwich Village

May the trees lead you on a fine and unexpected journey.

Images by Walking Off the Big Apple from April 14-18, 2011 made with the iPhone 4. More images in this slideshow, April in New York, on Flickr WOTBA.


  1. The pictures are so beautiful...I love all the pictures..I never visit New York,But I really want to visit here soon..Please suggest me some good places in New York for kids enjoyment..

  2. Thank you. New York is a very kid-friendly place, and based on suggestions of friends who have traveled to the city with children, I would suggest the American Museum of Natural History, the Bronx Zoo and Central Park Zoo, F.A.O. Schwarz, Sony Wonder Lab, the Staten Island Ferry, and the Lego Store in Rockefeller Center. Children are not so good with long walks and long lines. All these places are kid-friendly and near food.

  3. Thank you for the link to the web cam of the RT Hawks Teri. Hours of innocent pleasure ahead. I only have to remember there is a seven hour (?) time diffrence.

  4. Hi, Anton. I thought about the time difference last night. I've become fascinated with Violet (named after NYU's school color) and Bobby (for NYU's Bobst Library where they've made the nest). The first egg is expected to hatch in less than a week. After that, expect the action to increase with feedings and attending to the chicks.

  5. Teri,
    I've "resisted" viewing these pix for @ least 2+ weeks now b/c I am SO HOMESICK for NYC, and I KNEW that you, MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE, would capture the "essence" of Spring emerging in the City. Damn if I wasn't right!!
    So anyway, THANK YOU, and well, I WILL have to book a flight SOON!!

    Best regards,
    Lynn..."living in exile in Cali"

  6. Thanks, Lynn. Come back soon.


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