I Choose Flâneuse: A Tale in Four Parts, with each part increasingly shorter


After dashing off my letter of introduction, I returned to reading the publication I encountered. Finding so much to explore, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, knocking off a bottle of Pinot Grigio, a tiny bit of absinthe and three bags of corn chips in the process.

The great news is that the publication under consideration, The Flâneur, is available to anyone and everyone via the world wide web. That is how I found it, thanks to my fairy friends who often aid me in my tasks and who possess a knack for Java, HTML, and particularly flash media. In the spirit of public culture and all things flânerie, The Flâneur is quite possibly the most appropriate reading material for the institution known as the internet cafe.

Throughout the evening and morning, I came to know more of the society behind the publication - La Société des Flâneurs Sans Frontières and the libertine spirit of the Liverpool chapter. Founded by well-educated and charming individuals, The Flâneur, like Walking Off the Big Apple, proves that clever souls who celebrate under-achievement rather than condemn it may find in internet publishing a way to conveniently bypass the prissy and endless editorial tedium of print production or in some cases, not mine, a means to escape the vengeful motives of academic colleagues during the tenure process. Broadcasting genius to the world is now easy, just the way we like it.

I digress.

Late into the night, I found that the portal to The Flâneur opened to such an endless series of rabbit holes of flânerie that me and some of the fairies ended up playing Texas Hold 'Em with the King and Queen of Hearts. Titania thought I should lay off the absinthe, but she was drinking PBR and hallucinating herself after exploring a link to Jackson Pollock. In honor of the Mersey brotherhood, Peaseblossom dusted off all our old Gerry and the Pacemakers records and cranked up the hi-fi. Puck went off on Yoko, as he had just visited with her uptown, and it was then that I retreated to a quiet corner and and wrote my fan letter to The Flâneur.

But, first! Let me escort you to the door to all matter of flânerie. Stay tuned! There's more after our commercial break.

The Flâneur: Official Website of La Société des Flâneurs Sans Frontières


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