On this Day from NYC Past and Present: December 17

I'm continuing to post images from the WOTBA archives plus any additional ones from the present. See previous posts. As it's December 17 today, we'll continue with the holiday theme. NYC always expresses itself as a city for the holidays. The final two images reflect my current interest in birds.

The weather seems to vary from year to year in mid-December.

Columbia University. December 17, 2013

Tree stand. Inwood neighborhood. December 17, 2013

Whitney Museum. December 17, 2015

Chelsea Market. December 17, 2015

Fort Tryon Park. December 17, 2021

Met Cloisters. December 17, 2021

Carolina Wren in Inwood Hill Park. December 17, 2023

Red-tailed Hawk in Inwood Hill Park. December 17, 2024.

Photos by Teri Tynes. See many more birds on my blog Birds of Inwood.



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