10 Places to Walk in New York When It's Snowing

A snowy landscape in New York can be a thing of beauty. A good snowfall casts the city in a spell, coating the city with a soft and quiet frosting.

In Central Park, The Mall is one of the city's great thoroughfares.

When snow is forecast for New York City, many city residents eagerly look forward to getting out and enjoying the snow in city parks, especially Central Park, but also on the picturesque streets in older parts of the city. Many do not.

At the Central Park Zoo, experience winter like an intrepid explorer. Bears and leopards will be there.

Take time to think of unusual places to enjoy the snow, like the city shoreline. Battery Park in snow, for example, is the stuff of uncommonly beautiful icy scenes.

At the Battery, the winter scene is still and meditative.

City scenes in winter, such as on Broadway in SoHo, seem to freeze the city in time.

On Broadway during snow, only a few visual clues separate the city past from the city present.

The enjoyment of snowy New York is often fleeting, alas. We're more likely to embrace the snow in the early part of the winter season, and definitely in the first hours of any snowfall. The winter scenes aren't so pretty after the stuff turns to dirty slush.

A snowy day in Riverside Park in the west 120s.

A snowy winter may not always be in the forecast. The current 2017 seasonal maps issued by the National Weather Service's Climate Prediction Center call for above average temperatures in the Northeast.
Washington Square Park during a blizzard.

It's tempting to stay home when the weather turns frosty. That's true of most everything. When we do have the next snow in New York, consider seizing the opportunity to explore the winter landscape by walking through it.

Hilly Inwood Hill Park in Northern Manhattan is a good place for sledding.

The pictures here show 10 recommended places, of many possible ones, to enjoy the snow in New York: Central Park (The Mall); Central Park Zoo; The Battery; Broadway (SoHo); Riverside Park; Washington Square; Inwood Hill Park; Fort Tryon Park; The High Line; and Madison Square Park. See map below for details.

The Heather Garden in Fort Tryon Park, blanketed in heavy snow, set against an icy Hudson River.

Remember to watch where you are walking, especially in places with thin layers of ice. Dress in layers, and pull on merino wool socks and a good pair of waterproof boots.

Chilling on The High Line.
 Put on your scarf and hat and gloves, and you're good to go. The city is waiting for you.

At Madison Square Park, the view of the Flatiron in winter.

It's winter. Get out and be a part of it, if you can. We don't know how long the snow will last.

PS. When it's really snowing, you could even ski.

You've got skis. The pup is happy to follow along.

Images by Walking Off the Big Apple.

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