Points of Pride: Today's March

Weddings. Photo from 2011, when same-sex weddings were legalized in New York State. 

New York's Pride March begins at noon at 36th St. & Fifth Ave. and will end at Christopher & Greenwich Streets. With this week's Supreme Court decision upholding same-sex marriage across the union, marchers can truly celebrate a landmark moment in American history.

Washington Square Park. Pride Weekend, 2011. 

The Pride weekends in 2011 and 2013 coincided with two previous civil rights milestones. In 2011, New York Senate passed new legislation allowing for same-sex marriage in the state, in a dramatic 33 to 29 vote. In 2013, the court ruled that the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional on the grounds that the law denied same-sex couples "equal liberty" as protected in the Fifth Amendment. The other case involving California's Proposition 8 paved the way for same-sex marriages in California to resume.

June 28, 2013 At the Stonewall Inn, following the court decision on DOMA.

It's been raining much of the weekend, but the clouds are beginning to part. Will there be a rainbow? Of course. There will be millions of them.

NYC Pride official website: http://www.nycpride.org/events

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