Brief Excursions Into Central Park: Photos from an Autumn Day

Many people arrive at this website via a search for "favorite walks in Central Park," or some such phrase. While I like to take long strolls in the park, I can't say I have a favorite one. I'm all for improvisation. Many times I'm doing something close to the park, maybe just a block or so near the edge, but while walking on the street, I'll catch a view of the park in the distance and then I'm invariably drawn to Central Park like a magnet. I enjoy these brief unscripted excursions. Yesterday, I found myself in the park twice, once in the morning near the southeast corner, and later in the afternoon near Central Park West and W. 67th Street. I couldn't help it. But lucky me!

Morning excursion: I walked from The Pond north to the Central Park Zoo, then through the Zoo and beyond to the Balto statute and the rocky outcroppings near the east side.

October 20, 2011 Central Park
The Pond

October 20, 2011 Central Park
Sea lion on a rock, Central Park Zoo

Balto. October 20, 2011 Central Park
Balto statue

October 20, 2011 Central Park
Wooden gazebo near the east side of the park, near the zoo.

Afternoon excursion: Later in the day, I wandered into the park via the west side 67th Street entrance, right there at the Tavern on the Green, the West Drive, and the Sheep Meadow.

October 20, 2011 Central Park
West Drive near W. 67th St., looking south

October 20, 2011 Central Park
Tavern of the Green, now a visitor's center (made with Steampunk PhotoTada! app)

October 20, 2011 Central Park
carriage on West Drive (made with Steampunk PhotoTada! app) 

October 20, 2011 Central Park
entrance W. 67th St., west side of Central Park

I didn't have time for longer walks yesterday, but it's easy to tell from these pictures of Central Park in autumn that I may be inventing new excuses to be near the park in the coming weeks.

Images by Walking Off the Big Apple from Thursday, October 20, 2011.

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Beautiful pictures, Teri. I have to say, one of the charms of them was seeing the buildings in the background, reminding me that the bustling city is right there on the quiet park's edge.
Teri Tynes said…
Thanks, Terry. The ability to identify the buildings helps me from getting lost in the wilderness. When lost in Central Park, it's important to get a fix on which particular ones are north, south, east, and west. For example - Essex House is to the south, San Remo apartments to the west.

Birds of Inwood - Visit Teri's new blog about birds!

Birds of Inwood - Visit Teri's new blog about birds!
A visual journey exploring the birds of Inwood and Northern Manhattan

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