Good Dogs: Backstage Portraits from the 135th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

They're all good dogs. And while they might have long fancier names as they step out into the rings of Madison Square Garden for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (February 14-15, 2011), backstage - while getting groomed, taking a nap, or licking a fan's hand  - they're just your friendly dog with a normal good dog name like Baron, Blitzen, Woody, Kallie, or Hunter. So many sweet faces! While out on the show floor, the judges will evaluate the dogs on many characteristic ideals of their breed, but hanging out in the "benching area," it's their faces that will inspire the dog love. 

The 135th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show concludes tonight at at Madison Square Garden. The proceedings will be televised live on the USA Network. 8/7C.

Images from Madison Square Garden by Walking Off the Big Apple from February 15, 2011, taken with the Hipstamatic app on the iPhone 4. Walking Off the Big Apple is the proud owner of a beautiful mixed breed dog of rottweiler-chowchow-shepherd heritage that originally came from the animal shelter and who would win an award for Best of Three Breeds.


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