The Snowiest January Ever: Images from a Morning Walk

According to the Weather Channel, 19 inches of snow fell in New York yesterday, as measured in Central Park. An unexpected amount of snow fell yesterday morning, and a considerable snow fell overnight.

Total snowfalls for January 2011 have broken the all-time record for the month.

Schools are closed. City bus service has been suspended.

That leaves walking.

on Mercer Street near Houston. Is this your car?

'gton Square Park, Greenwich Village.

Washington Square Park, looking north toward Fifth Avenue

Washington Square Park

Street closed, on Thompson Street looking north toward the park.
The Empire State Building is in the distance.

Thompson Street, looking south.

Statue of Mayor Fiorella LaGuardia, now a penguin.

Delivery bikes. Better make your own pizza today.

Images by Walking Off the Big Apple from the morning of January 27, 2011, taken with the iPhone 4 camera and apps. South Village, La Guardia Place, Thompson Street, Mercer Street, Washington Square Park, not necessarily in that order. The Republic of Greenwich Village. Clicking on the images greatly enlarges them.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Ha! I love Fiorello, looking like Frankenstein. And the delivery bike!

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Several of these images are truly lovely, and almost worth all that weather! You have a real eye for art in everyday things.

  3. Pascale2:44 AM

    wow! that's serious snow !

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Fiorella Penguin is classic wonderful.
    The quality of the light you get in your pics is just stunning. What camera are you using? (but it's the eye that works the magic)
    I must say that in the 2 weeks since I have discovered your site, your posts have proven to be most interesting. I have learned much. Bravo & THNX
    Bettie Laven

  5. Thanks so much, everyone.

    Bettie- I took these pictures, like in the other posts of the last few months, with my camera phone - the iPhone 4. I do look for the light. Some of the light is balanced through a camera app like Pro HDR. Look for the post, New Adventures in Street iPhoneography for more.

  6. Man, you guys have really been getting hammered this winter, Teri! But I love that while bus service had to be suspended, Walking Off the Big Apple wasn't. Great job! (And I love the penguin too.)

  7. Yes my driveway in New England is posing as a tall secretive wall to a mysterious place!

  8. Your pictures are wonderful....From the snowfree (wishing it wasn't) UK

  9. Thanks, Terry, Cindy, Amanda. Exploring New York in the snow beats staying inside and only imaging what it's like outside. (although I could do that.)


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