Birds of Inwood - Visit Teri's new blog about birds!

Birds of Inwood - Visit Teri's new blog about birds!
A visual journey exploring the birds of Inwood and Northern Manhattan

Tuesday Morning: Finding a Path Out of New York's Blizzard

When dawn broke on Tuesday morning, and it was a beautiful sunrise by the way, it was apparent that the city would try its best to get back to normal. Out of economic necessity or out of sheer boredom, it was time to beat a path out of one of the worst storms in New York City history. The activity all morning centered around making literal paths to post-blizzard normal life - in clearing the streets, the sidewalks, and the runways.

daybreak over Washington Square Park, an optimistic sign

The city's Parks department had cleared paths around the fountain.

Schwartz Plaza at NYU, between the business school and the Bobst Library, shows evidence of some foot traffic

MacDougal Street, on the other hand, looked surreal and impassable.

Until a miracle came - the arrival of a Bud Lite truck making deliveries.  

Over on Broadway and Bleecker, even more signs of life. And the Amstel Light truck arrives. This part of the city requires beer to survive.

The path to recovery

And so it goes, as the city gets back to normal.

Images by Walking Off the Big Apple from Tuesday morning, December 28, 2010. See also this picture from Washington Square Park when the blizzard started intensifying, as well as these from Monday morning.


Anton Deque said…
Looks nice if you like snow! Ah, well ... Soon it will be Spring and the seasonal art shows will open and the strollers return to the leafy streets and sunny morning cafés. Happy and Peaceful New year Teri.
Teri Tynes said…
Anton, so now we have shared snow pictures - first you, with your snows in northern England and now me in New York. Yes, I look forward to that first touch of Spring, too. Happy New Year.
Unknown said…
what a beautiful view of Washington Square ! NY under snow is an incredible beautie ...

Thank for sharing that pics, Teri.

Happy 2011 !
claudine said…
Bonne Année!
I am French and I read your blog everyday! Thanks so much for the pictures ! My son lives and works in New I can see a little more of that big city through your articles!
I go overthere about 3 times a year (not enough for me!).
Sorry for my english!
All my best wishes for you and again ...BONNE ANNEE!
Teri Tynes said…
Thanks, NewYorker. I live sharing the pics.

Dear Claudine - How lovely that you read the blog everyday! I feel very lucky to have readers like you (and especially to ones that already know the word "flâneur.") Bonne Année to you, too. Cheers!

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