The Road Home from the Holiday Rush

Though the streets of New York may still be crowded with holiday shoppers, some residents and visitors are now finding their way home. With two days left to Christmas Eve, it's time to sort gifts, find the wrapping paper, bake the cookies, and warm the tired feet.

Bleecker and Lafayette

Santa himself should be a little tired by now, dreaming of a vacation in warm weather.

Weary Santa at the South Street Seaport

The holiday trees are starting to look a little lonesome and in need of a nap.

South Street Seaport Tree

May the streets lead you home to a warm room and a comfortable chair.

Downtown, holidays, New York City

After much strolling, Walking Off the Big Apple is home now, sorting gifts, finding wrapping paper, baking cookies and warming tired feet. It's been a wonderful year on the streets of the city, and I look forward to returning in the new year.

Happy Holidays, everyone! See you back here on New Year's Eve.

Images: intersection, Bleecker and Lafayette and Mulberry; Santa walking home from South Street Seaport; tree at South Street Seaport; Nassau Street (at Fulton Street). by Walking Off the Big Apple.


Anonymous said…
Your blog was a source of wonderfull walks early December. I had already visited NYC a number of times, but this time I searched some of your suggestions, and loved it. Since this trip NYC and I have an emotional affair. Serious.
Merriest of Xmas,
Jon, Bilbao, Spain
Teri Tynes said…
Oh, that makes me so happy! Merry Christmas to you, too.
Carol said…
Many thanks for a year of delightful rambles, both physical and intellectual.

I've had a running love affair with NYC for the 45+ years that I've lived here, and am always thrilled when someone else responds to it the way I do.

With best wishes for a 2010 filled with wonderful surprises, and happy wanderings.
Teri Tynes said…
Hi Carol.
Thank you so much. It's wonderful to share my love for the city with someone else who appreciates it so much.

Happy holidays to you and yours.
Pascale said…
thanks for sharing your walks in NYC when I miss it SO much...
Teri Tynes said…
Happy Holidays, Pascale! My pleasure, of course, especially since I know you like to see what's happening on your favorite NY streets
claudine said…
JOYEUX NOEL ! Je lis vos articles tous les jours mais je ne laisse pas de commentaires ! Merci !
Mon fils habite New-York !
Je comprends l'anglais mais je ne l'écris pas très bien ...this is why I am writing in french !
Teri Tynes said…
Merry Christmas, to you, too, Claudine,
Il y a longtemps que j'ai pris des leçons françaises à l'école.
Je suis heureuse que vous ayez plaisir à avoir connaissance de New York ici et heureuse que je peux donner un sentiment pour la ville dans laquelle votre fils vit. Merci vous de laisser un commentaire. JOYEUX NOEL!

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