WOTBA's Walking News Digest: Walking in Tehachapi, Walking Robots, Clinton's Walking & Dissing Exercise, and Much More

I bring you fresh walking news from WOTBA's Google "walking" alert. With tax day here, coupled with increasing news of contracting retail sales (NYT story, and, by the way, I saw the whole subprime mess coming in late 2007, with Walking Off the Wall Street Bears), perhaps many will seek in walking a less expensive form of transportation.
• Wednesday, April 16 is the launch of the American Heart Association's National Start! Walking Day. It's time to remind you that Donny Osmond will be present on the AHA website to help you along on your walking journey. If you would like additional motivation to walk, please feel free to read all 402 posts on this website.
• The Google "walking" alert always brings encouraging news of new walking tours of towns both great and small. In evidence, downtown Tehachapi, in a sunny, and here, specifically windy, part of California. Note the picture of muscular guys working on a picket fence. (Tehachapi News)
• Galveston, Texas, an historic town on the Gulf of Mexico, is a pretty town to walk, especially with its Victorian houses. The Dallas Morning News, the paper of WOTBA's very own original hometown, lays it all out for you here. (Dallas Morning News)
• Hillary Clinton walked 30 minutes around Scranton neighborhoods, trash-talking Barack Obama. This is how candidates exercise their feet and mouth on the campaign trail at the same time. Check out that pic of Hill. She looks transfixed, beatified, martyred. (Blog, Washington Post)
• Walking news always brings evidence of the UK's superiority in all hiking/walking matters. I can't compete. I present you news of Pembrokeshire's first walking festival. (Western Telegraph UK)
• A Walking Robot sets the distance record. (Physorg.com)
• The Illinois state legislature is considering a bill to ban talking on a cell phone while walking across the street at the same time. (NBC5)
• My reality can't compete with the virtual reality of this web page of spectacular walks that illustrates real walks around the World. (World Reviewer)
Image: Walking Times Square. Walking Off the Big Apple. April 2008.\
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