Weekend Frivolities: Making Holiday Gifts - The Classic Wax Paper Placemat Updated

Many should remember how to make wax paper placemats from elementary school days, but I would like to update the classic. Continuing the Weekend Frivolities theme from yesterday, when we learned how to make southern funeral fans, this edition suggests new ideas for the wax leaf placemat.

First let's review what many of us learned in elementary school. Walk to a place with lots of falling leaves - I found an abundant variety in Washington Square Park this morning, select the prettiest leaves, and go home and turn on your iron. Roll out two rectangular pieces of wax paper, place one of them on an old cloth, shiny side up, arrange your leaves and whatever else you choose, and then place the other piece of wax paper over that, shiny side down. Iron the two together so that the two pieces of wax paper adhere.

I decided that I would make a placemat for myself that warns of overeating during the holidays, so this placemat would be inappropriate to give to a friend, even one that is overweight. But this easy and inexpensive gift idea would be fabulous for others. It's possible to get rid of the leaves altogether and just make wax placemats with an endless array of flat items - pictures of your cat, or Andy Warhol, or both, cut up pieces of an old ArtForum, or if your friend is in the theater or the arts, maybe some good reviews of their "work."


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    That's a neat idea. My favorite:

    *You will now have to walk to Yonkers.*

    I love the word *Yonkers*. It's so close to bonkers.


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