Holiday Books: Tony Duquette, Andy Goldsworthy, Eric Clapton, Edith Wharton

Image: One of the windows at Bergdorf Goodman (754 Fifth Ave) inspired by the fantastical work of the California-born designer Tony Duquette (1914-1999). The lavish book, Tony Duquette, by Wendy Goodman and Hutton Wilkinson is published by Abrams.

Readers who like Walking Off the Big Apple may also enjoy the following books published in 2007.

Books of art:

Enclosure by Andy Goldsworthy
On Ugliness by Umberto Eco, Alastair McEwen (translator)
A Life of Picasso: The Triumphant Years, 1917-1932 by John Richardson
A Lifetime of Secrets: A PostSecret Book by Frank Warren
The Writer's Brush: Paintings, Drawings, and Sculpture by Writers by Donald Friedman


Two books about cultural ideas - Modernism: The Lure of Heresy by Peter Gay and Birth of the Cool: California Art, Design, and Culture At Midcentury by Elizabeth Armstrong

Two autobiographies - Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life by Steve Martin and Clapton: The Autobiography by Eric Clapton

Two biographies - Edith Wharton by Hermione Lee and Matisse the Master: A Life of Henri Matisse: The Conquest of Colour, 1909-1954 by Hilary Spurling

And finally the novels and novellas I most want to read: Tree of Smoke: A Novel by Denis Johnson, Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo, Suite Francaise (two novellas, one fictional, the other factual) by Irene Nemirovsky , and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.

Read the earlier post about classic New York and Texas novels here.


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