Walking-related Treasures from the Gigantic and Free Internet Archive

Walking Off the Big Apple loves the Prelinger Archives and the whole Internet Archive! Where else can I possibly find so many walking-related films to share with you?
Did you know Rick Prelinger founded his archives in New York City? Sez so here!

Appointing myself Guest Curator of walking-related motion pictures from this vast collection, I have selected the four following films for your enjoyment and instruction.

Walking Off the Big Apple sees many pedestrian violations on a daily basis. Many of these films can put us back on the pathway to righteousness.

First, we'll open our show with a curiosity from 1917 that advertises fashionable walking shoes, and then we'll move on to the cautionary instructional films.

Modes of the Moment (1917)

Safety Patrol(1937) - Handy (Jam) Organization

When You Are a Pedestrian (1948) - Progressive Pictures
Prelinger began his archive with this film.

ABCs of Walking Wisely (1959)

We've barely even scratched the surface of the Internet Archive. There are so many New York-related films here that we'll need to revisit time and time again.


Birds of Inwood - Visit Teri's new blog about birds!

Birds of Inwood - Visit Teri's new blog about birds!
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