Julian Schnabel's Tower of Pink Power

But, soft! What hot pinkness through yonder window breaks!

Place of interest: Julian Schnabel's Tower of Pink Power
Location: 360 W. 11th St.
Walking distance from the Washington Square Arch: Approx. 20 minutes via 5th Av. and 11th St.
Experience: Priceless

During the construction phase this past spring, Julian Schnabel kept his top-secret West Village high-rise under wraps. The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation had opposed the plans, particularly for the proposed height of the building which members believed incompatible with the neighborhood. Early this summer, JS finally unveiled the building, only to reveal a pastiche Renaissance referenced structure, the color of which challenged our entire contemporary visual culture.

Needless to say, the neighborhood freaked, and Schnabel's building received more press coverage. When The Villager published an article about the place, accompanied by a photo of the building, I was so astonished by the color I saw in the paper that I walked over to 360 W. 11th to see it for myself.
But it was a different color in real life.
I walked there again today. I brought along a camera, because for one thing I had little patience to sit on the sidewalk and sketch it, and also because I needed a bit of photo realité to show you.
Now try this. Look at the article below and compare the photos with the ones that you see here.

Not So Pretty in Pink (The Village, June 13-19)

Have they not punched up the pinkness with a little Photoshop in the night? Is this not the color of propaganda?
I have done my best to compare my photo with the building. If anything it is a dustier, bloodier color than my digital photos. But it's not that pink.

Looking at MY photos posted here, what color would you call this? I have no clue. Please send in your color name to walkbigapple@yahoo.com.

2/26/2008: Read the update on this post with additional photo.

4/6/2008: LOOK INSIDE! Two vast condos in Palazzo Chupi are on the market. See broker details (Brown Harris Stevens).


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